Sunday, May 20, 2012

Weekend almost gone...

This week seemed very long, but that is understandable since the previous week I was off work for two days.  This weekend is also terribly short feeling.  I accomplished A LOT of doll work yesterday and was very proud of myself for getting so much done.  I finished up 2 bjd face-ups I've been working on for the last week and a half to two weeks.  One of them I still need to put eyelahses in and might need to do a touch more work but I haven't sent glossed pics to the owner yet.  The other just needs photos sent to the owner and to get packed up to go back home.  I started painting on my first Monster High re-paint and I sprayed my base coat of sealer for my first Blythe custom.  Yah I say that was accomplishing a lot.  Also helped my friend Kathy change out feet on her newest Iplehouse JID doll... that was a lot of work just on its own. 
So yes also my friend Kathy came to visit for a bit.  She drove in late Friday night and we had fun dolly times and then on Saturday, the reason she needed a place to stay was she had a wedding to go to in town so she went to her wedding and in the mean time the husband and I traveled up the road a bit into Wylie to try a new burger place for lunch, Meteor Burger, which was pretty good.  From there we checked out the Wylie 1001 Bargains and I found a couple of things to get started for items for my DollyMarket forums sticker swap I'm participating in.  While there also picked up a super cute set of press-on nails to wear on my lolita day at A-kon in two weeks... OMG A-KON IS IN TWO WEEKS!  They are tipped in black with black stars and silver glitter and considering my outfit is kuro-loli (except for my purse >_<  yah breaking rules there).  So during the afternoon of doll workings and after Kathy came back and all she sat with me through my last weekends full catch-up of K-pop shows....  We saw her off before dinner and Logan made some really yummy bbq chicken. 
So I DID catch fully back up on my K-pop.  I'm having sadness because last week and this week U-KISS was not on every show I watch... I love watching them perform (well duh cause I sort of love them).  From this week's Music Bank I managed to grab a few screenshots and lord is one of them of Ki Seop shirt lifting really kind of funny.  What I was originally taking screencaps for in the first place though was to get a good shot of Hoon's jacket though... IT'S SO PRETTY!!!!!  I totally approve of U-KISS' outfitting for Music Bank this week.
ALSO great outfitting for this week was INFINITE's performance on Music Core.  White suits with pretty purple flowers....SWOON!  So my song of the week this week is INFINITE's The Chaser.  I really like it!

I actually stopped writting at the the last paragraph and went about my day for today.  Went to a friends babie shower which was lovely and then went to see another friend (practically family) a few exits up the highway.  Got to spend a few hours this evening with Kelly, Eric, & Abbey.  Asher from the local doll group was visiting getting some dolly help which I ended up helping with too since I was there.  It was fun times and then Logan disappeared to the garage with Eric and played with tools.  Sort of inadvertently ended up helping with some DollAkon prep... I don't really want to support the event due to personal feelings toward every planning staff member BUT Kelly, but I know she's done a shit ton more than a fair share working on and preparing this event.  She almost makes me want to give a shit about it.  If I attend anything whatsoever for it it will ONLY be events being attended or hosted by Kelly that's for sure.
Watched half of Inikigayo before leaving for the day and then came back and watched the other half.  Was kind of happy to see that JYP seems to have gotten his hair trimmed up since Friday's Music Bank so they styling while still pretty shitty bead head look didn't look nearly as bad as previous performances.  And O.O he didn't have pants stuffed in his socks this performance either, but I honestly feel like it was his worst sounding...  Not really a fan but I have a feeling if I keeping hearing You're The One I might end up semi-liking's a little on the catchy side to me.
That's really all for now...don't know why I feel like I'm totally dreading tomorrow, but I guess it's just because it's Monday really?  Though I do pretty much have a continued week of training people ahead of me.  Usually makes for rather long days.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Yucky Monday

Just as the title describes today has been quite a yucky Monday.  Got up on time and had a very good filling breakfast.  Watched some jpop and kpop PVs/MVs I acquired recently and then got ready and left for work.

The drive was frightful.  Saw at least 2 wrecks that were the major part of the delay, but I'm betting there was at least one more that was cleared or something.  My usual 45 min commute turned into 1hr 40min.  So was late for work, then shortly after I got there I started getting a headache.  After lunch headache escalated to additions of cold sweats/chills, shakes, nasty #2, and queeziness.... needless to say I went home sick.  Traffic was horrid on the way home and I felt like I was about to hurl the whole way.  Got home took some medicine and lyed down.  Took my temp and it was 95.5....that low classifies as legit sick.  For some reason when I'm sick I either run an outrageously high fever or my body temp drops 2-5 degrees.  Texted husband to bring me some ginger ale and saltine crackers.

A few hours later I'm feeling a lot better and my stomach has settled.  Still have a headache and hoping not to miss anymore work this week.  So much to do I hate days when stuff like this happens.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Moving Pains

No I'm not moving, but yesterday we helped one of our best friend couples move from one apartment to another.  Thursday and Friday night I went over after work to help pack and yesterday was the big move.  Luckily they didn't have to be out by yesterday so there was time in case it didn't all happen.  She checked in online to day to say that 90% of the apt got moved yesterday so I say that is a good accomplishment.  This was done by 8 people, 4 of which had some form of medical restriction which involved weight under 10lbs and one of which could only help the first couple of hours.  We left for their place around 9am and arrived back home at 10pm-ish.

I was toast by about 5pm (my whole right calf, ankle, and the arch of my foot were screaming + my actual bad left knee), pushed myself a little hader through into 7pm but then we went to Walmart for some last min things for the new place and I nearly puked and passed out due to malnourishment and way too low blood sugar.  From there I somehow managed to drink most of a 20oz Coke and proceed to drive the 45min home.  After that I passed out in bed and then woke up at 7am this morning.

On the doll front so far today I've managed to do some doll face-up work.  Have a commission head waiting for final approval and hoping before the evening is out to do some work on another commission head.  Still have plenty of stuff to do on my own dolls but when I have commissions in house I perfer to ony work on them so I don't get carried away on any personal projects.  On the Monster High end of dolls yesterday morning I picked up a Jackson while looking for a Rochelle, but then my friend from out of town found one of her later in the day and picked her up for me so I will have her soon and for some reason I think her and Jackson will go off and be cute buddies or something to that extent.  I had to have the jackson becuase of nerdy cuteness.

On music fronts, been busy all week.  While doing doll work this morning I did watch last week's Music Core.  When I finish this post up going to go watch last week's Inkigayo and then start all over with catchup for this week with M!Countdown.  I wish Japanese music shows were exciting as Korean music shows.  I still really love my japanese rock and pop but I'm just a little crazier on the kpop bandwagon lately becuase of how exciting their promotional music shows are.

Today is also mother's day.  Went to see my step-mother-in-law and in the process got to see my hubby's grandmother as well.  Gave her a card with gift card so she can go have some guilt free shopping at Charming Charlie.  Was going to go see my mother, but my parents are visiting my grandmother out of town today. 

Either way still super tired and sore from yesterday but feeling as though there are too many things I need to do and work on as apposed to just passing out for the rest of the day so I'm off!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Back to work...

It's always different to go back to work in the middle of the week after having a few days off.  Stuff is mostly the same, but right now my bosses are in the middle of transitioning me off of the work I've been doing to start working on writting procedures on what I have been doing and training people.  Oh the joy.

Got home and had a scrumptions dinner.  Pork chops and mac & cheese.  We tried a new brand of mac & cheese that we purchased from Sprouts that's sauce mix was made with real cheese.  It was quite yummy and had a good flavor. 

After dinner went shopping with my mum for my birthday.  We went to Kohls and darn it if I walk in there and never find anything I want to buy and then we went in tonight and she dropped about $130 on me and I got 2 new pairs of pants, 3 tops, a new jacket, a dress and a little cropped top in case I want to "dress up" my dress becuase my mother insisted to look nicer I would need it so she wasn't leaving without buying one (since she doesn't trust me to).  So yay new clothes and she kept scolding me that I better make sure my tops fit becuase the shirts I've been wearing look awful tight lately.... this is when I explain that most of them she's referring to are probably ones I've had for a decade or close to that haven't bitten the dust yet or that I still just love so much I wear them anyway... then again she's never understood this concept that since I got out of my tom boy phase and got boobs that I like and prefer tight shirts.

Back home now and writting this and drinking a glass of chocolate milk before I take a shower and get ready for bed.  Tomorrow night going the opposite direction after work and helping my friend Jasmine do some packing.  Her move is Saturday which reminds me I need to check with the husband about if he works or not so I can let her know.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I haven't actually written a blog in for-freakin'-evar! 
I decided to give it a try again in a fresh new place since LiveJournal drives me bonkers...

So today is my birthday.  What a good day to start a blog I would say.  This year it is on a Tuesday which is a little special to me because I'm goofy, but it's special because I am a Tuesday's child so it makes it feel like things are in alignment and all I guess.

I took off from work both yesterday and today (because honestly who wants to take of a Tuesday and have to go to work after the weekend on Monday and then just be off again Tuesday).  Yesterday I stuffed some friends in my car  (my friends Jasmine & Brittany) and we headed from Dallas to Austin.  Down in Austin we met up with more friends, Elissa & Kathy.  My big reason I wanted to go to Austin was to go to doll shops only to find that both the ones I wanted to go to are closed...One is closed all summer and the other I didn't realize for Monday it was only by appointment, so big disappointment!  There were a couple other nerdy fun stops I planned too which we did go to.  Went to Toy Joy for the first time and it was fun but nothing screamed that I needed to take it home.  Ended up at Dragon's Lair where I bought some manga and a GLB (Gothic Lolita Bible).  Had a spectacular burger w/sweet potato fries at Phil's and we did some Monster High doll hunting at a couple of Targets which resulted in nothing.  I at one of the targets did end up buying the Our Generation sewing accessory kit becuase the props are sized somewhere between BJD MSD~SD size and I needed a dolly sewing machine.  I've seen the set several times here at home but it was cheaper down in Austin than my Targets in Dallas.  I had a really fun time despite disappointments and despite the terrible storm we drove through to get back home.  West kolaches made it worth it... Due to the weather we were delayed for a little over an hour from original arrive back in DFW ETA so I went to bed pretty late after waking up rather early.

Today I slept in until 8:30.  Got up, did some piddling, had a kolache for breakfast then went down to the tax office.  Took care of getting my second car registered (I call it my second car because it's been in the driveway needing work until we finally found a part we needed and had the money to start getting it taken care of after 3 years).  It was even easier than I thought it would be and all is good.  Came back home and piddled around the internet for a while.  Had a salad for lunch.  Then I did some doll face-up work and then went back to piddling on the internet as I'm doing now.  On the dolly front I opened up for a Luts GO to try and take advantage for their sale.  Hope to get enough people cause I want an outfit and a wig and I don't want to join someone else's GO. 

I expect the husband will arrive home soon (as he's already 30min later than he said he would be) and then we might go do more car stuff, if not we do whatever for a little while and then go out to eat with my parents for the bday and all that.