Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Falling Day

Today has been mad crazy all the way from the start.

Before leaving for work this morning (before getting dressed to go to work actually), husband was hanging things in the closet when the closet suddenly decided to collapse.  I might be a mean wife for saying this is karma for unresolved issues with another friend, but I almost feel this to be true.  Problem being I feel like his bad karma is all wearing off on me due to my empathy, but ugh, I don't want it!

Went to work today and not only were we short people, the project I manage showed up almost 4 hours late.  I worked late, my boss even stayed and we just scrambled as best we could to get it done.  Our warehouse guy managed to stall our fedex man just long enough for us to completely finish everything up so we won't be working on it tomorrow morning.  I still have work to complete for this job tomorrow morning, but it can wait until morning so that's beside the point.  So long story short work sucked!

In reading today I finished up volume 2 of Ai Ore!.  Still can't really describe my feelings for it.  I like it more than "meh", but I can't say it's a series I'm in love with.  I do really hope to see the Japanese live-action movie they made from it though.

So came home late from work.  Ate leftover pasta and ham from previous nights dinners.  Left the house and went to Home Depot to buy a new shelf and hanging rod for the closet.  Husband will put it up while Mum is out at work tomorrow.  We're having all the secret hopes that she just won't ever find out that it fell and broke and we will not put as much on the top shelf going forward.  We ended up staying out later than I would really have preferred because the husband was having this whole "OMG OUT OF THE HOUSE" evening.  Honestly I don't understand at all because I've always been such a hermit.  

Came home, took my shower.  Got things out of the dresser, then closed the drawer and FALLING AGAIN!  Not the closet this time.  Stuff jostled a a pill bottle knocked a doll head off the dresser.  This is a comission I've been working on.  The head's face-up was all finished, but I've still been doing work on the body.   The fall scuffed up the cheek blushing so now I will need to fix that before he can be sent out.  I really need to get him finished up because my time has been all slim and all the crazy things have been going on, but she's been waiting almost 2 months.  I'm thinking I'm not allowing myself to go to the doll meet Saturday until I have done the work on this doll to finish him. 

I've loved all this social activity lately.  I know the husband has been becuase it means either being out of the house or being in the house with friends, but I can't get anything done!   Going to push to stay up however long it takes for me to finish this Chapter 1 of the manga I'm currently working on.  That is tonight's plan and hopefully I won't be paying for it too much in the morning.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Fun But Frustrating Weekend

This weekend there was a lot going on.  Little real rest happened, but much fun was had.  We had a game night with friends on Saturday that lasted into the wee hours of Sunday morning.  I actually ended up playing only one game myself, but that's not unusual for me.  My husband is a very big gaming person, I am not. 

I actually ended up facing up a doll the rest of the evening.  My friend Jasmine had been waiting for another friend to do it who flaked on her a few times over the course of about three weeks and she was getting frustrated so since we were at my house and all my stuff to do it was at my disposal I offered and then did it.  She turned out very cute.  I must remember when I get my pictures off my camera to post it.   She's a SOOM Thera and is the twin to my SOOM Goss.  They are adorable together and now becuase I still haven't really decided what to do with my boy really and I wanted them to match better, she sold me back the pair of horns she had bought from my split since she bought the Thera horns along with the doll from our friend Kathy, who was the original owner.

Sunday was also fun.  We all headed out to the Galleria to take my brother-in-law Rory & sister-in-law Faythe to the American Girl store.  Jasmine & her husband Jim joined us as well.  Jasmine is working so hard on the enabling front, she brought me one of her AGs to carry around the store.  It was a little amusing, but fun.   Afterwards we went back to our place where we hung out and had dinner. 

Husband has been holding onto aggession about something that I feel like is silly that's been annoying him.  I keep trying to work with him over and over again that he just needs to speak up and nip things in the bud when they start to bother them, not after multiple occassions after weeks and then he blows up all crazy about it.  Sadly it concerns one of my best friends, and then even today my mom tried to start something and all I could think was "damn I thought she liked her alright except for the some of the cursing."  I simply said we're not talking about her and after about three things she said and getting no response she just dropped it.  I'm sorry mom that you think my friend is loud and bossy, but that's not very respectful to me to bring that up.  Unless you want me to just not have her over you should have nothing to say.  She could have simply said "I don't mind you having get togethers, but you all got a little loud, but I was just too nice to say anything so maybe in the future could you guys watch your volume." 

I ended up rather bogged down at work today, so that just further added to my annoyance.  As you might can tell I did wake up in a rather foul mood this morning.   Read a couple more chapters of Ai Ore volume 2 today.  I'm not super in love with the series, but I do like it.   Want to see where it goes to.  It is a bit more mature of a series than I expected it to be.  So that about sums things up for now.  I do need to kip off and try and get some manga work done before bed.  I have a very quick approaching deadline and still very booked weekends to come.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Need to keep up better

Still trying to remind myself to do this blogging thing.  In all honesty if I'd just found the time in the last month or so I would possibly be a little more calm about things than I am.

My last posted spoke of my father in less than well condition in the hospital.  He passed away December 15th.  My brother whom works over seas and his family came in and stayed with us across the course of about two weeks.  It was really wonderful getting to see my youngest niece.  She was 15mo old (16mo now) and almost walking.  We think she will remember who we are now on future skype calls.  Brother and wife kept their fighting/bickering to a minimum and their stay was far more pleasant than the last.  These were of course very different circumstances.   His service was lovely and packed the house to the point of standing room.  The preist was my brother's child hood friend who was the third son and my third brother for many years.  He grew up without a father so mine was a very special person in his life.  It was good getting to see and visit with him as he grew up and faded off from our lives.  My father's best friend of many years spoke as did one of my younger cousins who thought the world of my dad. 

Christmas was not as hard as I thought it would be, but he was still missed greatly.  I started my Christmas shopping early this year and everyone's presents went over quite well.  The nieces and nephews made out like bandits and love their presents.  

Sadly this was the last Christmas we were able to spend with my husband's father.  Christmas came and new years passed.  He began fading faster than any of us could have imagined.  He celebrated his first anniversary with his dear second wife Monday the 14th, not much celebration due to his physical state, and around 1:30am on January 15th he passed away.  Mom called all the boys a little before midnight and all of us came.  He was surround by his loving wife & his three sons and their wives.  The boys all shared stories and we asked him to say hello to loved ones and good friends (and especially to his hero John Wayne).

His service was yesterday and the church was packed.  We've gotten to spend the last few days with all of his siblings (our aunts and uncles).  It has been very good to see them and get to spend the time with them that we have. 

Step-brother-in-law was able to get his tickets moved forward to come and be her for his mother and to be here for the memorial service.  We've also gotten to spend some time together, which has been great, and I feel like we've all bonded a little more as well. 

Most out of anyone, one of the uncles has been staying here with us at Mom's place.  He drives a truck and drove in last week.  We have enjoyed every moment of having him.  Husband thinks the absolute world of him and this is the first time they've ever gotten to spend this much time together.  We've played board games, watched movies and just had some great times.  I really really look forward to having my own place so hopefully we can offer a guest room to him in the future when he rolls through like this again.

We're all doing fine, but I want to be done with all of this death business. 

In between all this I dnd end up getting some doll commissions done.  People send me dolls/heads the first week of December so I ended up taking longer on everything than normal but the owners definitely understood.

Fairyland Minifee Scar Shiwoo

Luts Minifee Elf Shiwoo

These two commissions were done for Den of Angels user DeadLegato.  I still have another comission that's not quite complete.  Finished the face-up, but am in the middle of working on a scar on the body.  Will post it when completed.

I'm still off from work tomorrow and will probably be spending the day doing just whatever with a combo of family and friends.  Husband is cooking a divine smelling dinner right now!  Looking very forward to it.