Sunday, January 20, 2013

Need to keep up better

Still trying to remind myself to do this blogging thing.  In all honesty if I'd just found the time in the last month or so I would possibly be a little more calm about things than I am.

My last posted spoke of my father in less than well condition in the hospital.  He passed away December 15th.  My brother whom works over seas and his family came in and stayed with us across the course of about two weeks.  It was really wonderful getting to see my youngest niece.  She was 15mo old (16mo now) and almost walking.  We think she will remember who we are now on future skype calls.  Brother and wife kept their fighting/bickering to a minimum and their stay was far more pleasant than the last.  These were of course very different circumstances.   His service was lovely and packed the house to the point of standing room.  The preist was my brother's child hood friend who was the third son and my third brother for many years.  He grew up without a father so mine was a very special person in his life.  It was good getting to see and visit with him as he grew up and faded off from our lives.  My father's best friend of many years spoke as did one of my younger cousins who thought the world of my dad. 

Christmas was not as hard as I thought it would be, but he was still missed greatly.  I started my Christmas shopping early this year and everyone's presents went over quite well.  The nieces and nephews made out like bandits and love their presents.  

Sadly this was the last Christmas we were able to spend with my husband's father.  Christmas came and new years passed.  He began fading faster than any of us could have imagined.  He celebrated his first anniversary with his dear second wife Monday the 14th, not much celebration due to his physical state, and around 1:30am on January 15th he passed away.  Mom called all the boys a little before midnight and all of us came.  He was surround by his loving wife & his three sons and their wives.  The boys all shared stories and we asked him to say hello to loved ones and good friends (and especially to his hero John Wayne).

His service was yesterday and the church was packed.  We've gotten to spend the last few days with all of his siblings (our aunts and uncles).  It has been very good to see them and get to spend the time with them that we have. 

Step-brother-in-law was able to get his tickets moved forward to come and be her for his mother and to be here for the memorial service.  We've also gotten to spend some time together, which has been great, and I feel like we've all bonded a little more as well. 

Most out of anyone, one of the uncles has been staying here with us at Mom's place.  He drives a truck and drove in last week.  We have enjoyed every moment of having him.  Husband thinks the absolute world of him and this is the first time they've ever gotten to spend this much time together.  We've played board games, watched movies and just had some great times.  I really really look forward to having my own place so hopefully we can offer a guest room to him in the future when he rolls through like this again.

We're all doing fine, but I want to be done with all of this death business. 

In between all this I dnd end up getting some doll commissions done.  People send me dolls/heads the first week of December so I ended up taking longer on everything than normal but the owners definitely understood.

Fairyland Minifee Scar Shiwoo

Luts Minifee Elf Shiwoo

These two commissions were done for Den of Angels user DeadLegato.  I still have another comission that's not quite complete.  Finished the face-up, but am in the middle of working on a scar on the body.  Will post it when completed.

I'm still off from work tomorrow and will probably be spending the day doing just whatever with a combo of family and friends.  Husband is cooking a divine smelling dinner right now!  Looking very forward to it.

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