Went to Austin Saturday. Husband came and we also took friends Jasmine and Allison. Stopped in West for kolaches on the way down. Ran into friends in Austin. I got to get my doll Hoshi back from Elissa. She was doll sitting for a while (since March). I was really starting to miss him though so I was happy to get him back. Jasmine carried him for me most of the con and apparently he was quite popular. She said she kept getting lots of comments and at one point just started saying thanks instead of having to go into how it wasn't her doll. It was pretty hilarious to hear about since we weren't together the whole time. Ended up buying a dollheart dress set, a msd ajumapama dress, and a 2 piece top from musedoll for SD. Afterward's we went to Phil's Icehouse and had awesome burgers for lunch. Logan did a bit more shopping at Dragon's Lair (the game and comic store). After that we headed back home (well Jasmine's home as we pretty much stayed with her for the weekend). Stopped in West again to pick up some more goodies then got home around proper dinner timeish. Went to Target to get some stuff and I sort of broke off from the group and went clothes shopping. Found a tank top, a new t-shirt, and orange courderoy pants. I picked the pants up technically for cosplay. They will look great for Takagi from Bakuman (though they might be a teensie bit bright, but they'll totally work).
Slept and then woke up again and got ready and the husbands dropped us girls off at the Gaylord Texan for Blythecon. I don't think any of us knew what to expect becuase we were all more than sort of overwhelmed. I was cursing myself for buying the dollheart outfit the day before becuase there was a vendor there selling stock dolls for less than online pricing. In the end I blew all of the rest of my cash and picked up a handful of cute and pretty things. Craziest thing is I'm probably happiest about the little card case I bought for myself. It's got an adorable print of a sheep being followed by duckies and a hedgehog. Sort of threw away $20 on raffle tickets and won nothing. Our friend Heather we met up with there won something in the afternoon raffle, but nothing for the rest of us. We weren't really upset about spending money on the tickets, we just felt like we wasted our time especially since we came back fro the night raffle after dinner.
I think if I'd posted about this maybe last night I would have had more to say. Other than what there was to say though I have some photos.
Stuff I bought from BJDC:
I finished Rosa in time to take her mostly complete to Blythecon. This is what she looked like going in (sans the necklace cause this pic was after the con and I bought it at the con):
This was all the stuff in my goody bag for Blythecon (plus my badge):
And this is all the fun stuff I bought:
And since some of it was for Rosa she got re-dressed. I'm definitely going to need to get her a different body. Her little arms don't quite make it through the sleeves. Oh well just need to order the next size up pure neemo body.
That's al for now. Bed time for me tonight. Work has been very busy the last two days so I'm hoping for a better day tomorrow that will hopefully leave me a little less brain dead feeling when I get home.
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