Haven't updated in forever, but not going to bring everything up to date, just going to go on about today and ten try to remember other days that I should really be updating about my day.
I feel today has both been rather busy then lazy and overall productive at least.
Woke up then went to the post office to get some money orders. Went to the new apartment complex we hope to be moving into to find they weren't open yet (they were open at this time last weekend). From there we went to pick up our nephew to take him out for his belated birthday outting (birthday was in March, but life has been crazy for all). Went to Barnes & Noble where because there was a Bogo1/2off sale we bought two of the B&N classics books, those pretty hard back, gold/sivler leaf paper, with fun covers and just that massive swanky classy look to them. Finally have properly gotten terribly into BBC's Sherlock recently and for me I've always enjoyed anything Sherlock Holmes, but have never had the opportunity to actually ever read any of it so one of the books is the complete collection of Sherlock Holmes and then by the husband's choice a collection of Jules Verne.
We moved on down to Hot Topic because I had a coupon for 15% off and there was another Bogo1/2off sale so ended up coming out of there with Doctor Who merch for me (2 tanks and a belt, even though I'd gone looking for socks), a little blind box figure for the nephew, and a Superman bowtie for the husband.
In the end ended up at Movie Trading Co. because the nephew found nothing that he wanted more than the Skylanders game set becuase that was sort of what we knew he wanted but we figured we'd give him the usual shopping trip (oh we also stopped by Keith's Comics, but there was not much there that caught his fancy either, but we did get to see some cool stuff that is stuff Madness Games & Comics doesn't carry (the husband's employer)).
Dropped back by the apartment complex and got our application put in and things taken care of and we will know Tuesday for 100% sure that the application went through well and that we have the place for sure and all of that jazz. Not that there's anything that should stop it but with everything going on crazy like it is I'm just a big bag of nerves. We're moving and have had only a few weeks notice now that we have to be out by the middle of June. We've stayed with Mum about a year now and were trying to start looking for a house, but my brother is loosing his job overseas and coming here and mum logic dictates (and I do not argue it AT ALL!) the child with a wife and child and no job sort of needs her free space more than the children that now both have jobs. I'm 100% thrilled to have my niece in the country and hopefully by this time next year both my neices.
Speaking of nieces and nephews we took the nephew back home then had to go see the other brother in law to take some stuff to him as well today so by the time we were heading home we were able to see all of our nieces and nephews (minus the married in ones) in the states in one day and this is only my 3rd time seeing the youngest (only 4 mo old).
So got home, took a bit of a rest. The husband headed to work and since then I have done some manga lettering work, which by the way is just hard. No it's not hard to actually do, I've done a lot of this now this being on second year working with this company doing it, but just the subject content of what I'm working with and the artwork itself as well. It's just urgh. The particular book I'm working on is due in July but I want to get it done becuase there was a title that was supposed to be due in June but the translator had real life things happen and needs to get an extension. The group I'm doing the book that's frustrating me right now with, we have another book that is due in Aug that I'm looking way more forward to becuase at least it has super lovely art and looks like it has a sweet story and is not just short stories of ugly ruanchy sex (which is the two other books I'm working on at current... that's what most of the urgh is about... I hate books like this).
So I worked on a bit of that until dinner time. Picked up cheap chinese with Mum. Regretting that I decided to try something different becuase it wasn't as good as what I usually get and cost a dollar more. Came home and while eatting finished the episode of Merlin I started watching over lunch last weekend and then another episode while I was waiting on Orphan Black to start. Orphan Black once again good and we've got one more episode next week. It's a really great show! And during commercials I was making .gifs of my fave character from previous eps of the show that I at some point will spam my tumblr account with. Yup this is what has become of my multimedia degree... I make gif files like old school days yo!
During some point of this time I've read some of the intorduction to my SH collection. Now I still have the rest of my evening and pretty much have no real plans for it. I think I should do some more manga work so more gets done faster becuase the more I do, the faster I get it done, and then I don't have to look at it. I think I will definitley take a slightly extended break from manga work after I finish these three books I'm committed to at current.