Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sooo much going on...

Other social media has pretty much ruined me for blogging.  I remember before Facebook & Twitter I used to log onto livejournal all the time.  Sometimes once a day, other times 5 or more.  It was rare for me to miss a day of make an entry to my blog.  If I missed more than 2-3 days without saying I would there were friends that would express general worry for me to make sure I was okay since I hadn't posted.  And this was back in the days when I was a 14hr college and 32hr retail worker.  So I always ask myself where did all the time I used to spend blogging go?  I still haven't figured this out.  But for sure it's when there's weeks like the week I've had.

There were some major changes put into place this week on one of the projects I work on at work and boy what a mess it was.  We finally got things mostly sorted out by Friday and are going into next week with a better game plan.  I pulled 6 hours of overtime last week mainly based on this project becuase there were still other projects that got exported out later than they should have been because of it.  All the same I feel like we're going to do better at this next week and my paycheck next week should be nicer than usual.

On the homefront, we've officially been at my parents house for over three months while things are slowly getting fixed at Richard's house where we normally rent our bedroom from but things are still going at an amazingly slow snails pace.  We have 75-80% of our things in boxes becuase of this.  We're pretty much ready to give up and if this situation is not resolved within two weeks we are serious apartment hunting.  I feel like we've already really taxed my parents enough with this and I'm so loving that they've put up with us for this long, though they have seemed to genuinely enjoy having us around.  Our own place again would be nice, especially now that we can afford something far better than what we had the last time we lived in our own apt...  though apts have gone up in price even more from the last time we looked and rented as well. 

I think I've warned several people that a complete meltdown from me about this whole housing situation is pretty immanent pretty soon.

In dolly news, our Migidoll Miho vampire boy arrived last weekend.  He's quite handsome and I can't wait until I'm able to give him a face-up.  Right now the weather has been so unpredictable and had a lot of humidity so faceups have been a no no which is terrible becuase I still have this commission that I've technically had for 3 months now too.  She's been started on and I warned the girl of our situation and that this was definitely going to take me longer than normal since she sort of mailed it to me without me telling her it was okay to.  Glad I seem to give the feeling of a trustworthy person via the internet.  Since I'm thinking about that though I really should pull her out and make sure I hae progress pics to show.  I was wanting to do a bit more before sending her some, but she's been waiting so long now and I really don't know the next time I'm going to get the chance to work on her girl.   We did actually have to go over to Richard's place to box and bag up all of the dolls since there will be painters coming in and we don't even want there to be any chance of a doll related painter issue.  Edo ended up coming back home with us so now we have 4 dolls at the parents place.  Though I really want to run back over and get a set of clothes for the miho...he's still all naked in his box.

This weekend is hopefully going to be pretty chill.  Was supposed to attend a jewelry party across town for one of my friends, but if I still feel as worn out as I do in a couple of hours I'm just going to cancel.  We've been so super active the last couple months of weekends.  Need a serious chill.  Still going to take Brittany to go see Tricia to get guinea pigs though.  I feel sort of way too awesome for being able to connect two people to help one of them give away the guinea pigs she can no longer manage the time to take care of and helping another friend to add to her amazing home zoo.